enter palace bomb northeast crack CHEST 1: BLUE RUPEE back to room 1, use bomb on crystal switch bomb wooden boards helmasaur room, switch in NW corner blow cracked floor open merge into wall and follow glowing arrows get small key room 3, go into northeast door bomb switches CHEST 2: COMPASS return to elevator go into secret fairy room go into goriya room defeat them bomb cracked wall on south wire room, go to south chest CHEST 3: PURPLE RUPEE return to room 6, stand on elevator platform wait for elevator to lower, move south room 7 CHEST 4: MONSTER TAIL cracked floor in northeast corner, drop down CHEST 5: MONSTER HORN put out flames get small key go to northwest door go west into room 10 weird room, head for switch in NW CHEST 6: SMALL KEY in big sunlight room southeast door CHEST 7: BIG KEY back to sunlight room, southeast door? fight goriyas, portal opens, ride elevator sunlight room, merge south wall, go west twice hit switch return to room 9, then north stairs to 3 blast floor near northeast door, drop down get small key head upstairs from room 3 spinning walls room, place bomb near switch merge into east wall first CHEST 8: PURPLE RUPEE merge into west wall get rupees, go into either door rush through south door chamber of light, hit switches bomb windows CHEST 9: MONSTER GUTS throw bomb up to blow window open make sure room 17's crystals are dark hit south crystal, then place a bomb near it dash to north elevator quickly merge into north wall CHEST 10: MASTER ORE return to gate place, use big key to get to boss do boss sage level up sword